Inline Pinner is for Locksmiths.
☆ Any length of key from 1 cut to whatever you like.
☆ When decoding keys you can enter them into Inline Pinner and immediately see the pin buildup.
That's simple stuff we can all do anyway but it removes human error and means you don't need pen and paper.
☆ Further more if you click the Send button you can email the coding back to the shop or yourself for safe keeping.
Long click on Send and you can SMS your new coding to another locksmith. May be useful for sending coding to another locksmith who is out in the field.
☆ Also show number of Phantom keys the current pinning would create.
Inline Pinner adalah untuk Tukang Kunci.
☆ Setiap panjang kunci dari 1 dipotong untuk apapun yang Anda suka.
☆ Ketika decoding kunci Anda dapat memasukkan mereka ke dalam Inline Pinner dan segera melihat pin penumpukan.
Itulah hal-hal sederhana yang bisa kita lakukan tetap tetapi menghilangkan kesalahan manusia dan berarti Anda tidak perlu pena dan kertas.
☆ Selanjutnya jika Anda klik tombol Kirim Anda dapat mengirim email coding kembali ke toko atau diri Anda sendiri untuk menjaga aman.
Panjang klik Kirim dan Anda dapat SMS coding baru Anda ke tukang kunci yang lain. Semoga bermanfaat untuk mengirimkan coding ke tukang kunci lain yang keluar di lapangan.
☆ Juga menunjukkan jumlah kunci phantom pinning saat ini akan menciptakan.
Inline Pinner is for Locksmiths.
☆ Any length of key from 1 cut to whatever you like.
☆ When decoding keys you can enter them into Inline Pinner and immediately see the pin buildup.
That's simple stuff we can all do anyway but it removes human error and means you don't need pen and paper.
☆ Further more if you click the Send button you can email the coding back to the shop or yourself for safe keeping.
Long click on Send and you can SMS your new coding to another locksmith. May be useful for sending coding to another locksmith who is out in the field.
☆ Also show number of Phantom keys the current pinning would create.